

Post-rock, electronica
Rennes, France

Fragments explores the borders between dreamy electronica and post rock musics, with a certain frustrating restrain that brings to their music a tension that couldn’t be achieve any other way.
Their instrumental trio could be compared to an inner travel into the intimate, an impressionist painting of repressed feelings turned into gorgeous landscapes.
They were programmed in festivals like Printemps de Bourges, Les Vieilles Charrues, MaMa Events or Les Transmusicales, along with a series of concerts in smaller venues and sometimes unexpected places (a chapel, a small flat, a recording studio, ...)

After a first LP "Imaginary Seas" in early 2016, «Labyrinthe», an EP in 2017, Fragments worked on a concert film around the movie « Fargo » and recorded, an unofficial soundtrack, Songs For Marge, 14 tracks inspired by the Coen brothers' masterpiece.
The differents not good or bad caracters, give to Fragments the opportunity to compose sort of synthetic leitmotiv not so far from John Carpenter or Badalamenti' s textures .
Dedicated with love to Marge Gunderson, the police inspector interpreted by Frances McDormand, the album is released the 7th of december 2018 on a new label Daydream Music and Pyramids Record.
